
Now available: »Perhaps the Most Beautiful Summer«

Now available: »Perhaps the Most Beautiful Summer« – based on the Swedish bestseller of the same name by Eleonore Holmgren.

»I am very grateful that I had the opportunity to witness this special friendship«, says Patrick Mölleken, who narrated »Vielleicht der schönste Sommer« by Eleonore Holmgren together with Gabriele Blum for Der Audio Verlag. »An extraordinary story about friendship and the bond between two people who, at first glance, could not be more different.«

The twenty-year-old Adam is kicked out by his mother. Without a destination, he lets himself drift across the island of Lindö and eventually breaks into a seemingly vacant holiday house. However, the next morning he encounters 86-year-old Britta. The two make a deal: Adam can live with Britta, but in return, he has to help with the house and garden. Unbeknownst to them, a magical summer awaits them…

A touching audiobook about new beginnings and unexpected joy in chance encounters.

You can now find »Vielleicht der schönste Sommer« (»Perhaps the Most Beautiful Summer«) everywhere in bookstores and for download! 🎧

Order or stream it here now!

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